Action listings

Actions are real-world initiatives—already underway—to reverse or respond to climate change. An Action might be a specific project with targeted goals or an organization actively working on solving the challenge.


1% For The Planet

1% of member annual sales go towards environment


Stop Fossil Fuels. Build 100% Renewables.

Working to end the age of fossil fuels and build a world of community-led renewable energy for all. Their goals are a fast & just transition to 100% renewable energy; no new fossil fuel projects anywhere; no funding for the fossil fuel industry.


Educating high school students about climate change

ACE works to educate, inspire, and support young people in the fight for their future and against climate change. ACE believes in a fair, biodiverse, carbon neutral future that is reachable if we compel leaders to act.


Investing in a defense against climate change

AIGCC is an initiative that is encouraging action and creating awareness among Asia's asset owners and manager about the risks and opportunities that are connected with climate change and low-carbon investing.



Environmental Justice Organization

APEN is an environmental justice organization with deep roots in California's Asian immigrant and refugee communities. They have built a membership base of Laotian refugees in Richmond and Chinese immigrants in Oakland and have fought and won campaigns to make healthier and thriving communities.

Agroforestry: Trees of Life, Trees for Life

Education: agroforestry, trees, land and water stewardship.

Internships, books, a free newsletter, and other resources on agroforestry. Located in Hawaii with emphasis on Pacific Island tree crops such as breadfruit and koa.

American Forests

Building a reforestation movement in America

American Forests works to create healthy and strong forests, spanning from cities to natural landscapes. They advance their mission through forestry innovation, partnerships to plant and restore forests, and movement building.


Arbor Day Foundation

Inspiring people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees.

The Arbor Day Foundation seeks to help people understand and use trees as a solution to a changing climate, and to many other problems the world faces: deforestation, air quality, water quality, poverty and hunger.

Artists & Climate Change

Blog tracking works of art and climate change

Artists & Climate Change is a study of what is being done, and a resource for anyone interested in the subject. They believe that what artists have to say about climate change will shape our values and behavior in the future.

Artists for Climate Awareness

Making art to heal the Earth.

Studies show that artistic expression can change behavior more than words. Artists for Climate Awareness uses art to transform climate paralysis into positive action.

Association Climat Genève

Aims to increase the Swiss public's awareness of climate change and to persuade Swiss politicians to adopt more ambitious policies to diminish CO2 emissions.


Building community power for climate justice

BCAN's mission is to organize Boston residents and collaborate with other social justice allies to advocate for climate justice and urgent action on the climate emergency by the City of Boston and other policymakers.

Bezos Earth Fund

Philanthropy dispersing $10 billion

The Bezos Earth Fund has 7 programs being: Conserving and Restoring Nature, Future of Food, Environmental Justice, Decarbonizing Energy and Industry, Economics Finance and Markets, Next Technologies, and Monitoring, Data and Accountability. The Bezos Earth Fund has over 100 grants to support these various programs.


Forges solutions to address climate change

C2ES is working to secure a safe and stable climate by advancing the global transition to a net-zero greenhouse gas emission world. Consistently rank among world's leading environmental policy think tanks.


C40 Cities

Mayors of leading cities united to confront the climate crisis



Provides online resources for climate change educators



Statewide membership-based organization

CCAG is dedicated to actively engaging the residents of Connecticut to alter the relations of power in order to build a more just society. CCAG has done community organizing, mass canvasses, legislative action, trainings, research, and more to create a more just and sustainable society.


Supporting the Caribbean through climate change

The CCCCC coordinates the Caribbean region's response to climate change. They work on solutions and projects to mitigate the effects of climate change and global warming.


Environmental reporting

Focus investors, companies, cities, and governments to build a sustainable economy by measuring and acting on their environmental impact. Each year CDP supports thousands of companies, cities, states and regions to measure and manage their risks and opportunities on climate change, water security, and deforestation.



Largest multilateral climate fund

CIF is focused on transformational climate innovation in 72 middle and low income countries. Donors have pledged over $11 billion to CIF and CIF has conducted over 390 projects. Their programs include clean technology, energy access, climate resilience, and sustainable forests.


Small forestry projects fighting poverty worldwide

COTAP (Carbon Offsets Against Poverty) sponsors small-scale forestry projects all over the world to help global poverty while mitigating climate change.

Basic science/research


Largest source of climate adaptation case studies and resources


Develop and enforce environmental laws

CalEPA has 6 departments that focus on different environmental issues. They have a Climate Action Team as well as an International Climate Action Team. They create and enforce policy and fund projects.

California Youth Climate Leaders

Youth led organization fighting climate change

The goal of CYCL is to get youth involved in the journey towards becoming completely carbon free. They work to educate and inform people about the importance of combating climate change through sustainable alternatives and processes.


Working to enhance and develop carbon sequestration methods

Carbon180 works with policymakers, entrepreneurs, and peer organizations across the US to design policies that will bring carbon removal solutions. Not just focuses on reducing emissions but rather using carbon sequestration methods.

Cascadia Climate Action

Promotes community engagement on climate change

Provides resources to learn more about climate change.


Work with capital market leaders to solve sustainability issues

They work to advance climate solutions, protect global water resources, build a just and inclusive economy, accelerate sustainable capital markets, protecting and restoring life on land, and advocate for smart public policy.

Chesapeake Climate Action Network

Fighting global warming in Chesapeake area

Their goal is to build a grassroots movement in the Chesapeake region surrounding the nation's capital to call for state, national, as well as international policy that will create climate stability.


Climate Action 100+

Investor engagement initiative on climate change

Climate Action Network

Uses civil society to create climate action

The Climate Action Network (CAN) works to center the stories of people affected by the climate crisis, ending fossil fuels, as well as transforming and enforcing national climate action plans.

Climate Action Tracker

Map-based tracking of climate change progress, by country

Track progress towards globally agreed aims: holding warming well below 2°C, pursuing efforts to limit warming to 1.5°C.

Climate Analytics

Links scientific and policy analysis on climate issues.

Provides science-based guidance on policy to Small Island Developing States and Least Developed Countries.


Climate Cardinals

Translate climate change research and information

Climate Central

Communicates climate change science, effects, and solutions

Independent group of scientists and communicators who research and report facts about our changing climate and how it affects people's lives. Uses science, data, and technology to generate many local storylines and visuals that make climate change personal.


Climate Change Center

Studies industry strategies for climate change mitigation

Conducts and disseminates studies on strategies for climate change mitigation by industry.

Climate Change Resources

Educating and empowering climate change activists

Thinking of CCR is divided into four elements: Truth (What's happening), Consequences (what we're facing because of what's happening), Mitigation (how we can reduce the damage), and Adaptation (how we can adjust to a world we are changing).CCR aims to give understanding and reveal the paths to action.

Climate Collaborative

Natural food industry reversing climate change

Organizations listed with Climate Collaborative have made a public commitment to climate action. Their blog has posts regarding their research and webinars. They have over 700 companies committed to climate action.

Climate Diplomacy

Provides news and informative articles and case studies

Climate Group

Reducing emissions to reduce warming

The Climate Group focuses on systems with the highest emissions and where their networks- both governments and businesses - have the greatest opportunity to change. Over 500 multinational businesses in 175 markets worldwide.

Basic science/research

Climate Impacts Group

Interdisciplinary research group

The Climate Impacts Group allows people across the Northwest U.S understand how the effects of climate change will affect life in the region. They support planners, natural resource managers, engineers, policymakers and community members across the region while they use science to build climate resilience.

Climate Justice Alliance

Uniting frontline communities to fight climate change

The Climate Justice Alliance works to organize action by communities on the frontlines of climate change to challenge the economy and its ways of harming people and ecosystems. They are working to build regenerative and fair economies rooted in webs of social and ecological relationships.

Climate NOW

Climate NOW is a youth-led organization educating young people about climate change and the ways in which they can take action for a better future.

Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia

Researching natural and anthropogenic climate change

The Climate Research Unit is recognized as a leading institution concerned with the study of natural and anthropogenic climate change. Made up of around 15 research scientists and students.


Climate Solutions

Work to pass policies by advocacy, research, and communications

Climate X Change

Transitioning to net-zero emissions by advancing climate policy

Climate X Change empowers state and local policy makers, business leaders, and advocates by giving them information, resources, and networks they need to make policies work for a sustainable future that benefits local communities.


Removing CO2 from the air

Climeworks works with businesses and individuals to get closer to their carbon goals. With businesses, if they choose Climeworks, they can demonstrate that they are taking an approach to achieving their net-zero goals.

Community Environmental Council

Focusing on the coast and fighting climate change

The Community Environmental Council working to reverse climate change by transitioning to zero emissions and green energy, restoring and repairing the natural carbon cycle, and protecting the Central Coast communities.


Conservation International

Protecting forests, oceans, and other living ecosystems

Publishes scientific data regarding our planet, making environments more valuable alive than destroyed, partnering with indigenous communities and respecting their rights, working with governments and helping them protect nature and its benefits.



Empowers disenfranchises communities to adapt to climate change



Protecting air, land, water, and health of New Yorkers



Government agency protecting the environment and climate

Earth Day

April 22 every year dedicated to the Earth

First Earth Day was in 1970, and EARTHDAY.ORG is the world's largest recruiter to the environmental movement.

Earth Island

Project Support Program and Sponsor

Fiscal sponsor to more than 75 projects around conservation, wildlife protection, climate change solutions, women’s environmental leadership, Indigenous communities, sustainable agriculture and food systems, community resilience, environmental justice.


Goes to the court for the future of the planet

Uses around 200 lawyers to represent clients and protect the environment and its future. Offices in many different states that works to change policy and protect people.


Eco Warriors Movement

Youth led environmental movement resisting climate change

The Eco Warriors Movement is a youth led grassroot environmental movement that is focusing on the balance between environment, society, and economy. They want to fight climate change, conserve the forest, restore aesthetics of the environment and do it in a way that is in line with their culture and customs.

EcoPeace Middle East

Furthering sustainable development and peace

Egyptian, Israeli, Jordanian, and Palestinian environmentalists that have agreed to join forces in an effort to promote the integration of environmental considerations into the regional development agenda.

Ecology Center, Berkeley Climate Action Coalition

Network of organizations fighting climate change

The Berkeley Climate Action Coalition is a network of local organizations as well as community members that work to implement the city of Berkeley's forty-year Climate Action Plan.

Elders Climate Action

Elders fighting against climate change

The Elders Climate Action works to mobilize elders throughout the U.S. to address climate change for the well-being of their grandchildren and future generations.

Energy Foundation China

Financial support of sustainable energy projects in China.

Serves as an intermediary to direct financial resources provided by large foundations to carbon-neutral energy projects in China.

Environmental Defense Fund

Global non-profit tackling climate change

Many different projects guided by science and economics in a multitude of places. Millions of members throughout different countries and has been committed to fight climate change for over 50 years.

Environmental and Energy Study Institute

Researches and publishes legal and scientific data

Publishes many papers and articles that inform on congressional and state action on the environment and climate. Described different environmental problems and the effects and possible solutions for them.

Evergreen Action

Putting bold climate action on America's agenda

Scientists as well as policymakers work for Evergreen Action and work for better climate policy and environmental justice.



Works for a sustainable textile system

Forum CC

Umbrella network for Tanzanian climate change organizations

A network of 80 organizations across Tanzania committed to work on climate change issues in Tanzania and beyond. A key initiative advocates for government collaboration, transparency, and accountability on climate resilience efforts.


Fridays For Future

Putting moral pressure on policymakers to limit warming

Future Climate for Africa

Africa-focused climate research relevant to human needs

Future Climate Africa fields 5 international research teams working across the African continent. Among the Burkina Faso and Senegal; Malawi and Tanzania; Kenya and Uganda; Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia.


World's Largest Climate Fund

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) supports developing countries raise and meet their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and goals toward low-emissions and climate resiliency.



Global alliance for city climate leadership

GenderCC-Women for Climate Justice

Achieving gender and climate justice

GenderCC-Women for Climate Justice consists of women and gender experts working in policy, research and practical implementation and international, national, and local levels.

Global Climate Forum

Research on climate change and related global challenges

GCF is based in Berlin, Germany, and they conduct research projects and publish their findings.

Global Footprint Network

Measure your environmental footprint

Measure your environmental footprint to see what you can cut down to improve your environmental footprint.

Compares different countries and shows their food usage as well as carbon and environmental footprint.

Global Greengrants Fund

Provide resources to locals for grassroots-level solutions

Provide grants for different action areas such as: climate justice, healthy ecosystems and communities, local livelihoods, rights to land, water, and resources, women's environmental action, right to defend the environment.



Engaging audiences to discuss big issues in the 21st century

Green Climate Fund

Sponsors developing world climate change projects

GCF’s investments are aimed at achieving maximum impact in the developing world, supporting paradigm shifts in both mitigation and adaptation. The Fund aims for a 50:50 balance between mitigation and adaptation investments and for at least 50% of its support to go to particularly vulnerable countries.


Green Cross

Working with integrated programs to shape the future

Based in Geneva, Switzerland their primary goal is to "respond to the combined challenges of security, poverty and environmental degradation to ensure a sustainable and secure future". Working on a variety of projects spanning from education to reforestation efforts in the amazon.

Green Muslims

Muslim environmental activism and networking

Green Muslims host educational, service, and outdoor recreational environmental events. They specifically serve as a bridge connecting the Muslim community with local climate action organizations.

Greenbelt Alliance

Ensuring Bay Area's lands are resilient to climate change

The Greenbelt Alliance is focused on educating, advocating, and collaborating to ensure that the Bay Area's lands are resilient to climate change. They are identifying climate risks and nature-based resilience opportunities to drive bold climate leadership.



Ensuring healthy environments in built and natural environments


Independent research organization

One of the world's leading independent policy and action research organizations.

Current strategy addresses increasing inequality, the climate crisis, assault on the natural world, increasing urban risk, unsustainable markets.


Helping invest in climate change solutions

The IIGCC works to support investors in creating returns for clients and beneficiaries which then provides financial wellbeing for future generations. They bring investors together to create solutions that can make a difference in fighting climate change.


Global authority on status of natural world

Union of government and civil society organizations that works to advance sustainable development and create a just world that values and conserves nature.



Promoting and protecting Indigenous Peoples' Rights


Company that is a leader in clean energy, grids, and storage

Inside Climate News

Reports on climate change

Founded in 2007 and provides unbiased, non-partisan reporting on climate change to inform the national conversation around one of the most important issues of our time.

Institute for Climate Economics

Conducts and publishes applied research bearing on climate-related policies. Supports financial institutions, businesses and territories in the fight against climate change.

Institute for Sustainable Communities

Making cities, communities, and factories more sustainable

The Institute for Sustainable Communities works with over 30 countries and focus on the ones with the largest share of climate emissions and countries hit the hardest by climate disruption. They work to shift communities and countries environmental impact to a more sustainable and environment-friendly one.

Japan Climate Initiative

JCI is a network of companies, local governments, research institutions, and NGOs. JCI is committed to strengthening communication and exchange of strategies and solutions among all actors that are implementing climate actions in Japan.

Jewish Climate Action Network (JCAN)

JCAN's mission is to inspire and mobilize Jewish communities to lead and participate in bold climate campaigns, and to develop informational resources for allies working on climate change action.


Las Cañadas

Impressive agroforestry project in Huatusco, Mexico.

Las Cañadas is a private farming collective devoted to sustainable, climate-friendly agricultural practices and lifestyles. They raise meat and dairy livestock using intensive silvopasture with high rates of carbon sequestration. They maintain a website to publicize their approach and provide trainings on site.


Helping communities and overcoming climate change


Moms Clean Air Force

Protecting children from air pollution and climate change


Protecting natural areas and biodiversity

Ensuring that ecosystems can still thrive and protecting them against habitat loss and degradation.

Strengthening public policy and fighting back against polluters.

National Parks Conservation Association

Protecting and enhancing America's National Park System

Ensure national parks are protected and acting against climate change. Protecting endangered species and their habitats. Advocated for social justice and civil rights.


New Climate Institute

Generates ideas on climate change and drives implementation

New Climate Institute

Climate ideas and action: accountability, policy, and finance

The New Climate Institute for Climate Policy and Global Sustainability (NCI) seeks to "raise ambition for action against climate change and support sustainable development through research, policy design and knowledge sharing."

NextGen America

Empowering young voters to engage in political processes

NextGen America works to encourage young Americans to be politically involved with their country and they also ensure that the U.S government is responsive to the younger generation. They are the nation's largest youth voter organization.


Addresses impact of climate change on health of Americans

Within the United States department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Both HHS and OCCHE work to help American people and fight the climate crisis.

Ocean Conservancy

Protecting the ocean from today's global challenges

Focus on long-term solutions that promote a healthy ocean, abundant wildlife and thriving coastal communities. Passionate for a clean and productive ocean in the present and in the future.

One Tree Planted

Committed to reforestation

Goals include: giving back to the environment, creating a healthier climate, protecting biodiversity, and helping reforestation efforts.

Donations go directly to planting trees. Have planted millions of trees globally.

Our Children's Trust

Law firm representing youth and their right to safe slimate

Our Children's Trust

Pursues lawsuits demanding climate change action

"We lead a game-changing legal campaign seeking systemic, science-based emissions reductions and climate recovery policy at all levels of government. We give young people, those with most at stake in the climate crisis, a voice to favorably impact their futures."


Restoring trees to prevent the climate crisis

Goal is to plant up to 1 trillion trees without encroaching on agricultural land. Will help absorb CO2 and help avoid the loss of plant and animal species who rely on forest.

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Research on global sustainability and climate

The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) supports research for global sustainability, and for a safe and just climate future. Based on research findings, PIK provides relevant scientific advice for policy decision-making.

Project Drawdown

Fighting climate change

Project Drawdown's mission is to help the world stop climate change as quickly, safely, and fairly as possible. They do this through effective, science-based climate solutions and strategies; fostering bold, new climate leadership; and promoting new climate narratives and new voices.

Project Drawdown

Preminent catalog of climate change mitigation solutions

Protect Our Winters

Advancing non-partisan policies to protect environments

POW relies on outdoor community for support and guidance to protect environments. Host campaigns for political change and environmental protection against climate change.



Fighting against deforestation and climate change

RAN targets the corporate and financial culprits driving the worst impacts. Partners with and supports Indigenous and frontline communities for local led solutions, focuses on environmental justice, globalize their research and reports, peacefully direct actions, and conduct corporate negotiations to create change.

Rainforest Alliance

Non-profit protecting rainforests and promoting sustainability

Work to protect forests and biodiversity, act on climate, and promote the rights and improve the livelihoods of rural people. Their approach uses certification, landscape and community programs, advocacy, and supply chain services.

Rainforest Foundation US

Protecting Rainforests

The Rainforest Foundation works to support indigenous and traditional peoples of rainforests around the world in their work to protect their environment and enforce their rights.

Rainforest Trust

Protecting the rainforests

Rainforest Trust works to prevent rainforests from deforestation and habitat degradation. They protect the ecosystems of threatened species and identify key biodiversity hotspots around the globe that need protection.

Restore the Earth Foundation

Reforestation and restoration projects to fight climate change

Restore the Earth is working to restore 1M acres in the Lower Mississippi River Basin.



Using legal action to protect the environment and climate


Replanting the ocean

SeaTrees plants and revitalizes ecosystems in the ocean by planting mangrove trees, kelp reforestation, coral restoration, and watershed restoration. They hope to mitigate climate change by strengthening and protecting these vital ocean environments.

Sierra Club

Explore, enjoy, and protect the wild places of the earth

Bringing people together to build the most powerful and effective environmental movement the world has ever seen. National community of volunteers and activists that act where it matters.


SoCal 350 Climate Action

Organize SoCal to build a movement to fight climate change


Sunrise Movement

Youth movement to stop climate change and create jobs


The Asia Foundation

Improving lives and opportunities in Asia and the Pacific


The Climate Coalition

UK group of people dedicated to act against climate change

The Climate Reality Project

Working to build a sustainable and true net-zero future.

Four global campaigns to create transformational change this decade and help the planet reach true net-zero by 2050.

The Nature Conservancy

Organization looking to tackle climate change

Global nonprofit working to protect natural environments

Mission: To conserve the lands and waters on which all life depends.

Vision: A world where the diversity of life thrives, and people act to conserve nature for its own sake and its ability to fulfill our needs and enrich our lives.

The Well Done Foundation

Plugging orphaned and abandoned oil and gas wells

Over 3.5 million unplugged abandoned oil and gas wells. The Well Done Foundation works to measure the carbon emissions, then plug the wells and restore the surrounding surface area to its original state.


Reporting news on everything climate change

Over two decades of reporting important science about our health and environment.


Third Act

Campaigns and events to create positive change

Tree Canada

A Canadian tree-planting charity

Tree Canada sponsors tree-planting projects across the country. Priorities include reforestation, carbon offsetting, disaster relief, and the greening of communities. The organization also participates in developing urban forest strategies, forestry education, and forestry policy advocacy.



Analysis of climate change mitigation from urban prospective



Leading global authority on the environment

US Climate and Health Alliance

The Alliance is a national network of health and public health practitioners dedicated to addressing the threat of climate change as a human and health crisis.

Union of Concerned Scientists

Researches pressing issues and fights misinformation

Member-supported nonprofit that researches current vital issues and communicates to the media, public, and decisionmakers. Founded over 50 years ago by scientists and students at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Group of almost 250 scientists, analysts, policy experts and communicators.



Engaging women in the movement for global climate justice


Making Earth Cooler for People, Nature, Climate

Focus is on sustainable restoration and supporting the well-being of the communities where they work. Reforestation projects work with governments, local organizations and communities to restore threatened forests and landscapes in tropical regions and biodiversity hotspots.

World Resources Institue

Restoring Nature for People and Climate

WRI uses research-based approaches to protect and restore nature, stabilize the climate and build more resilient communities. They aim to change the way the world produces food, uses energy, and designs cities to create a better future.


You Change Earth

Helping individuals find climate actions and communities


Empowering youth to become climate leaders

Youth4Climate is a program of SanDiego350. Y4C supports youth-led campaigns and a coalition of high school eco-clubs, they plan direct actions, deliver programming to develop leadership and skills of youth leaders, and work with local organizations to engage teachers into action for the climate.



Building awareness about climate and environmental issues