Legal and tax status
Ayewa is a California non-profit corporation. The IRS has determined that Ayewa is a tax exempt public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Ayewa are tax deductible for US taxpayers, per the applicable rules.
Ayewa is an open source project. However, rights to some items are reserved by their copyright holders. Except when explicitly noted, the following items cannot be used without the consent of their copyright holders:
- photographs
- graphics and artwork, including Ayewa's logos, trademarks, and brandmarks
- recorded music and video
Note that Ayewa reproduces the logos and other marks of other organizations on its website for editorial and information purposes only, under the "fair use" doctrine. Ayewa does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by the organizations whose logos and marks we display.
Financial support policy / no industry enticements
Ayewa accepts financial support only when it is provided with "no strings attached." Donors may, however, direct contributions to specific Ayewa programs or projects (for example, a project to create a version of the site in a particular language).
Ayewa's officers and staff are not allowed to accept gifts (including merchandise, food, travel or accommodations) from any source with whom they have or might have material dealings with on behalf of Ayewa.
No advertisements
Ayewa does not accept or display paid advertisements or "promotional placements." We may choose to highlight particular listings that we judge to be noteworthy, newsworthy, or just interesting.
No pop-ups or bots
To satisfy regulatory requirements, Ayewa's website displays a banner asking you to accept or cookie policy, and continues to do so until you dismiss it.
Otherwise, the site does not use pop-up windows or bots to send you messages or seek input from you.
Summary of our privacy practices
(See our full privacy notice/policy for more details.)
We collect and store any names, addresses and/or telephone numbers you provide to us when your write to us or call us on the telephone.
When you send us an email, a fax, or a letter, or when you call us on the telephone, Ayewa collects and stores the name, address(es), and/or telephone number(s) you provide, if any. That’s so we can communicate with you.
If you don’t want us to have your name and/or address, you can send us comments, suggestions, or complaints without including any information about yourself on our Contact us and Suggest listings pages.
We keep copies of the emails and letters we exchange with you, and we may keep a written summary of what was said during a phone conversation (but we do not record telephone conversations).
Our web hosting service and our telephone company may collect the IP address or telephone number you use to contact us, but Ayewa does not itself collect, record or keep any such information.
Ayewa does not collect or keep any other data about our users. The only cookie we store on your device between visits is one that remembers that you've agreed to our cookie policy.